Our friends: Pornoblesk - best free porn
Porn.com is one of the most popular porn tubes there and it is not only because of their easy to remind domain name.
A huge archive of free porn videos combined with a good looking site is the reason why people come to this site all the time. Or say: they came back. Since they had millions of videos, and although web space is so cheap today that it’s nonsense, they no longer host content on their own.
We have a little understanding, as we are very active in the adult industry, but we also don’t understand what really happened on porn.com. They had millions of online videos that everyone could watch, with their downloads to their server. Now they only link to other sites. Does this make sense? Not certainly in that way. I understand that hosting your own media files can be very difficult and, of course, not free. But this is a magical recipe for attracting new visitors to your site. Why would someone visit yours if you don’t have your own content? I would say that they tried, but could not …
Porn.com can still be enjoyable to visit, but it definitely no longer has the glamor as it once was. So go there for nostalgic reasons if you want, but there are other great portals with your videos and a large community.