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Back in 1998, there was really no way to share porn videos on the Internet – it was just too damn slow. So Watchersweb, like many others, began sharing web images, which has become an amazing resource for real home porn pictures and videos ever since.
Most of the content is, of course, photos, but there are new videos that are downloaded every day, which makes it an ideal place for pic- as well as video lovers. Watchersweb is best known in the USA, but you will also find girls, men and couples from Europe, such as the UK, Germany or the Czech Republic. All participants are divided into different age groups and, as a rule, there is a complete picture located at the click.
If you want to share your photos and videos, you can easily register without any fees. With this free account, you can send messages to senders, download content yourself and save your favorites. But only for soft things.